
Transformation Direction of New and Traditional Impetus

2017-06-01 16:00:12 | 来源:中培企业IT培训网

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Implement of newimpetus is the key to restructure Chinas economic structure successfully. The construction of new impetus refers to the deep integration with various fields of economy and society relying on network information technology, and it refers to the deep revolution which promotes the mode of production of enterprises based on the new technology, application, model and format of the big data. In the era of the transition to new impetus from traditional one, business improvement should be based on innovation and the policies such as Made in China 2025 and Internet Plus. In this case, we can make the enterprises move forwards to the middle or high level and make business efficiency to be upgrade, so that we could form new technology, format and model which are more adaptable to market demand in the integration between enterprises and new impetus, advancing production and service value chain. According to some macroeconomic policies like Big Data Strategy and Informatization Strategy in the 13th National Five Year Plan, to promote the future development of enterprises, we should use the way of concentrating and sharing data, build an integrative big data center of enterprises, advance integration in technology, business and data, and promote the transformation of production management and marketing model based on new technology, format and model.

1.Understanding of the Transformation From Traditional Impetus to New One

Essentially, the transformation from traditional impetus to new one is a market-driven process of selecting the superior and eliminating the inferior in enterprise business, format and model, through which the enterprises will have new impetus that can improve business efficiency by the improvement of business system. Accelerating the smooth transition to new impetus from traditional one and the cooperation between new and traditional impetus has been one of the basic national policies. The period of implement of the 13th National Five Year Plan is a decisive stage of building a well-off society in an all-around way in China and a critical period of the uninterrupted transition to new impetus from traditional one. During this period, the new generation of global information industry is in the accelerating period of transition, and the big data technology and application is in the stage of innovation, while the demand of national market is in the time of explosive growth, which indicates that we have an important opportunity to develop national big data industry. We should seize the opportunity to promote the construction of the big data of enterprises, enhance the global governance capability of enterprises based on the big data, optimize the sharable service system of data, and realize the transition to data-driven model from business model gradually.

Data has been one of the basic strategic resources of enterprise survival and it is as valuable as diamond mine in the 21st century. We should pay high attention to the role of big data in operation and management. Cultivating and strengthening new impetus of enterprise development and accelerating the uninterrupted transition to new impetus from traditional one are important ways to promote business production and management, and they are also the significant point to promote business reform at the side position of supply. Focusing on the construction of big data, we should fulfill the development concept of global innovation, coordination, green, open and shared, regard promoting organizational reform at the side position of supply as the main line, implement the innovation-driven development strategy thoroughly, and promote the innovation of enterprise business, format and model vigorously. In this period, enterprises are required to advance with the times, go with the trend and initiate change, and promote the integration of institutional and technological innovation, the effective link between supply and demand, and the coordination between cultivation of new impetus and transforming and upgrading of traditional impetus.

2.The Vitality of the New Production Factors

From the perspective of Chinas scientific development, there must be a process of new impetus replacing traditional one in economic development. When traditional impetus changes to be weak, the appearance of new impetus and the transition of traditional impetus are needed. The process of cultivating new impetus and reforming traditional impetus is the transition from the pursuit of developing speed to quality. It is said that tight market is the powerful impetus of stimulating economic growth in the past, but there is a profound change in market demand for supply requirement nowadays. In other words, the gradual decrease of market demand slows down the rate of economic growth, and the requirement of economic development turns to emphasize the improvement of quality and brand reputation from emphasizing the fast expand of quantity, which means it turns to focus on the question of good or not” from increase or not” and do it well or not” from do it fast or not.

The current innovation-driven development institutional environment is more complete, and it benefits the continue optimization of innovation ecosystem in whole society.Focusing on the continue accumulation of talents, technology, knowledge and data resources, it is conducive to the basically formation of market mechanism for new supply and demand. In the era of new impetus, we must promote the response rate and level of Chinas enterprise market service observably, and rely on the establishment of innovative development and management system based on big data tightly. We should promote the data centered reasonable flow and effective gathering of new production factors such as knowledge, technology, information and data, form the gather and flow mechanism of intelligence factors gradually, and complete the open and shared system of big data resources. Meanwhile, we should strengthen the quick transformation of shared service mechanism by big data, innovate new technology and format, and transform and upgrade the model of traditional industry.

3.The New Achievements of Enterprise Data Strategy

In recent years, Chinas enterprise informatization construction and application promote the positive progress in the development of big data, which has an obvious enhanced innovation-driven effect to enterprise development.

Firstly, there are increasing data resources. The development format of People Connection to Internet of Everything is formed quickly and new form of online and offline industries appear continuously. In this case, data becomes a key factor of running through enterprise production and management and controlling main part. In the business fields of intensive management like people, money and object, there are a large amount of data resources, which promotes enterprises producing and managing the big data gradually.

Secondly, we have made a breakthrough in data technology. With the continuous improvement of autonomous development capability in Chinas hardware and software of big data, some advanced technology is continuous leading, such as the management platform of main data, the management of multiple heterogeneous data, the high-powered analysis of massive data, so that the pattern of data and intelligence management is formed preliminarily in many enterprises, and a group of business intelligence is developing faster to the systematic direction.

Thirdly, we have accelerated the speed of application innovation. In the fields of construction industry, internet, finance and so on, big data application is popularized rapidly, and the new formats and models like precision marketing, intelligent recommendation, and financial information develop rapidly. The traditional fields of industry, medical treatment and traffic enter into the big data field gradually, and some demonstration projects of big data application appear continuously, such as personalized customization, perception of wisdom, intelligent decision-making.

4.The Key Tasks of New Impetus Construction

It is important to implement the 13th Five Year Plan for Chinas enterprises in 2017, and the supply-side enterprises should deepen the structural reform in this year. Enterprises must establish the new development concept firmly, implement the strategic deployment related to the transformation to new impetus from traditional one, promote the transformation and upgrading in the control model of enterprise production and operation based on the big data innovation, and carry forward the development and application of big data roundly. There are five key tasks.

Firstly, strengthen the construction of enterprise network facilities and consolidate the basis support for big data. We must optimize the layout of enterprise data center by using cloud computing technology, promote the construction of integrative big data center, and lead the basic facilities of big data to the direction of green, intensive, moderate scale, high speed and interconnection.

Secondly, promote the two-oriented integration of enterprises and the level of big data application. We must implement the deployment related to the integrative development of manufacturing industry and internet in Made in China 2025, accelerate establishing the enterprise-level and industrial internet of low latency, high reliability, wide coverage, and converge the multi-source data like sense, control and operation. Meanwhile, we should promote the deep application of big

data in the process of research and development design, manufacturing, management decision-making and after-sales service, form the new data driven business model like personalized customization, collaborative design and manufacturing, and form the new impetus.

Thirdly, promote the synergetic innovation of enterprises and cultivate industry ecology of big data together. We should encourage enterprises to play the key role in innovation, and tackle the key technology of collection, storage, process, and analysis and application security of big data by integrating the community with related capacities. Besides, we should support enterprises to construct internal public service platform, carry forward the aggregation and application of multi-source business data, promote the construction of internal and external data culture and new impetus culture, and build the new ecology of operation and development based on multi-party collaboration and mutual benefit of consistent culture.

Next, enhance the governance of enterprise data and cultivate the standard of common use and construction. We should accelerate the standard system construction of enterprise-level data, promote the development and promotion of key business standard, organize the business departments and units to participate in data standardization work, and increase the discourse right of enterprise information management functions in the aspect of data standard setting.

Finally, plan business strategy layout and expand the developing space of big data. We should lead internal business sectors and their units plan the key strategy of developing big data together in a scientific way according to their own conditions, form data collection area in superior businesses which have obvious potential in big data application, and form shared and reasonable distribution of data assets according to data standard. Besides, we should support the intensive management applications like people, money and objects build the pilot of big data applications, carry out systematic exploration experiments in the aspects of forming the scope and environment of inner-enterprise data institutional innovation, creating the openness and share of data and the data center integration, so that we can have effective experience and model and accelerate the popularization of them.

5.The Strategic Expectation of New Impetus

It has been the trend to build the layout of new impetus of big data in enterprises. The development of enterprises is restricted seriously by capability problems like cost decreasing, benefit increasing and risk prevention. Creating the new data-driven impetus and implementing the strategy of big data is the core line of enterprise development. Enterprises should focus on promotion of innovation and data, forming the main line and having a key breakthrough by concentrating strength and resources. According to the wish from Premier Li Keqiang, IT GreenFuture also wishes new impetus can play a key role gradually and traditional impetus can have new vitality in Chinas enterprises.