
Strategic Value Positioning of Top-level Architecture

2017-08-10 14:55:30 | 来源:中培企业IT培训网

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Overview of Enterprise

Architecture (EA) Method

Enterprise Architecture (EA) Model treats business architecture, application architecture, data architecture and technology architecture related to development of enterprises, and the interrelationships among them from a global perspective. Besides, it designs service operation model in dealing with the long-term development by using a set of systematic methods. By analyzing the influence of these factors on enterprise strategies and the current business operation models, it can further identify the change strategies and implement schemes that are appropriate for the future development of enterprises. Combined with the innovation application of modern information technology, it will construct more efficient service operation architectures for enterprises.

Positioning of the support for operation

strategies in enterprise architectures

Analysis on the Necessity of

Capacity Construction

in Top-level Architecture Planning

Top-level architecture design based on enterprise architecture methodology presents an overall, basic and innovative view of business operation support, which fully reflects the value proposition and change vision that adapts to the requirements of strategic development. There are several aspects reflecting the values of top-level architecture design.


1、Top-level architecture is used to support the strategies of business operation development

General enterprises will experience the transition from simpleness to complexity in business and the business support is also evoluting. With the enhancement of competitivenes and the formation of diversified bussiness pattern, they should promote the capacity of collective management and control in all business areas. On the one hand, the top-level architecture constructed by scientific and technological means is helpful for enterprises to develop the capacity of overall business architecture support that adapts to diversified development. On the other hand, it is helpful for enterprises to deploy operation control strategies that develop synergistically among multi-level members.

2、Top-level architecture is used to support the innovative development of enterprises

With the pressure of business growth and market competition, the business models and service structures are updating and evolving constantly. Enterprises need to build the overall and structured planning ability, distribute and deploy various resources effectively, and adapt to the developing strategies of enterprises dynamically. On this basis, the technology of top-level architecture is helpful for enterprises to identify and optimize the existing operational predicament and to build the service operation architectures of cross-regionl, cross-level and inter-organization. Meanwhile, combined with information technology, it is helpful to deploy the service operation capacities in the whole chain reasonably.

3、Top-level architecture is used to increase the efficiency of business operation

With the expansion of scope of market and operation, the functional division and service mode of business departments should meet the requirements of enterprises’ development and they should be optimized and innovated constantly to form the more efficient capacity of business coordination. Under the guidance of the top-level design, the end-to-end operation process of core businesses in enterprises can be put in order. Meanwhile, the efficiency of cross-department business collaboration can be increased constantly by using the means of informatization. Besides, through accumulating and developing asset value of informatization, the capacity of preventing and controlling the overall operational risk and brand competitiveness is enhanced.

4、Top-level architecture is used to put the structures of informatization service in order

The top-level design in the field of informatization can be based on business operational architecture, put the overall service architecture and the rules of resource allocation of informatization in order, and construct the hierarchical and specific service component sets based on application architecture, data organization and technology architecture. Starting with the positioning of business support, it further put the existing service positioning, logical relations, interface requirements and data layout in order. Besides, it can guide informatization team to carry out the design and construction work correctly and make sure that every operation component and service unit in the layer of informatization can adapt to the requirements of business development in enterprises in a long term.

5、Top-level architecture is used to specify the growth way of informatization

From the perspective of operation strategies, prospect of the future and planning of business architecture views are developed by using top-level design. On this basis, from the perspective of business support, capacity building and technology innovation, it presents the service blueprint and solutions in the field of informatization and gives a further instruction to the growth way of informatization facing the long-term development. It is helpful to early deploy reasonable budget, resources and security mechanisms of infomatization and provide more helpful security mechanisms for the future business change and efficiency optimization.