

2018-07-16 11:00:01 | 来源:中培企业IT培训网


Feature: Manage users

As an Administrator

want to be able to

- Create a user

- Search for the user

Delete the user

Scenario: Create a named user

Given a user with the name 'Alan

And  the   surname   ' Turing '

When the administrator clicks  iAdd User

Then the user should be added

Scenario: Search for a named user

Given a user with the name 'Alan

And  the   surname   ' Turing .

When the administrator clicks  'Search for User

Then the user 'Alan Turing' should be shown

Scenario: Delete a named user

Given a user with the name 'Alan

And the surname 'Turing'

When the administrator clicks  'Delete User

Then the user should be deleted

标签: 人工测试
