

2022-11-09 19:28:25 | 来源:企业IT培训
Information technology — Security techniques — Information security management systems — Requirements- Planning

5.2 Information security objectives and planning to achieve them 
5.2  信息安全目标和规划实现
The organization shall establish information security objectives at relevant functions and levels. The information security objectives shall:
a)   be consistent with the information security policy;
b)   be measurable (if practicable);
c)   take into account applicable information security requirements, and results from risk assessment and risk treatment;
d)   be monitored;
e)   be communicated;
f)    be updated as appropriate;
g)   be available as documented information.
The organization shall retain documented  information on the  information security objectives. When planning how to achieve its information security objectives, the organization shall determine:
h)   what will be done;
i)    what resources will be required;
j)    who will be responsible;
k)   when it will be completed; and
l)    how the results will be evaluated.
a)   符合信息安全政策;
b)   可测量(如可行);
c)   考虑到适用的信息安全要求,以及风险评估和风险处理的结果;
d)   被监控;
e)   沟通;
f)    酌情更新;
g)   应保留文件记录。
组织应保留关于信息安全目标的文件记录信息。 当规划如何实现其信息安全目标时,组织应确定:
h)   要做什么;
i)    需要什么资源;
j)    由谁负责;
k)   什么时候完成
l)    如何评价结果。
5.3 Planning of changes
5.3  变更计划
When the organization determines the need for changes to the information security management system, the changes shall be carried out in a planned manner.
