

2022-06-10 14:34:11 | 来源:中培企业IT培训网
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4、 准备好至少3段项目经历介绍,例如:
Project objectives: Mainly through border isolation protection and intrusion detection, reduce the attack surface of threats and vulnerability exposure time; Carry out policy compliance and enforcement through the network access mechanism of the terminal, and implement network access and terminal security management; Strengthen the access and networking security construction of branches. On the basis of network boundary protection, intranet threat detection and identification, it is necessary to further form the global security visibility. At the same time, it realizes advanced threat protection, such as apt attack, blackmail virus, 0day vulnerability attack and other security protection capabilities. Once the border defense is broken through, it is necessary to strengthen the security risk monitoring and protection of the intranet. The main means include terminal anti-virus, zombie host detection and information asset anti disclosure The data center needs to meet the technical and management requirements related to security 2.0 in the network security law, and needs to deploy security equipment and audit equipment to meet the compliance requirements  Deliverables and project outputs: As the core of traffic detection and threat defense, the next generation firewall ensures the enterprise boundary security and regional boundary security, and can link the massive intelligence in the cloud and do in-depth correlation analysis based on the data to dynamically enable the cloud capability locally, which greatly improves the local threat intelligence capability of the data center. For the security consideration of the terminal side, the terminal detection response platform EDR can carry out vulnerability inspection, terminal anti-virus and terminal management and control of the terminal. The next generation firewall locates the malicious host in the network layer traffic, and links the terminal EDR. The network cooperates to effectively locate the malicious process and file operation, quickly deal with the threat, and build a deep security defense system as a whole to realize the security and reliability of the data center. Dual links, especially those of different operators, can cope with network fluctuations and provide bandwidth experience in line with modern needs. When there are many business systems in the unit, in particular, the standby link should be enabled to deal with emergencies. After a certain equipment goes down, the service can be guaranteed without interruption and employees can work normally. At the same time, the dual redundancy of safety equipment also meets the needs of development. The standby machine is always ready to deal with emergencies to prevent the loss of safety function and the direct breakthrough of intranet. Combined with attack trend, effective attack and business asset vulnerability, the overall evaluation of the whole network security situation is presented from the perspective of business system, which can effectively grasp the overall security situation and make security decision analysis. Through safety early warning, safety monitoring, safety reinforcement, safety audit, emergency response, etc., carry out safety operation and maintenance in three aspects: before, during and after the event, so as to ensure the continuous safety of the system and meet the safety requirements of continuous defense on demand.(以上项目描述只是举例,请学员填写自己的项目描述)
5、 准备好所参与项目的项目名称,英文名称;
6、 准备好项目证明人的联系方式、电话、邮件等,英文的;
7、 准备好打算填入的项目经历的时间,一般都要有2.5年的项目经历,请大概划分一下你的起讫时间,方便填入;